Report False Positive

File Not a Virus? Let Our Experts Look Into It

Report false positive files if you think that a detection made by one of the cloud engines of the Universal AV scanner is not actually a virus or malware.

Our team of security experts can analyze the file and report it as false positives to the detecting engines. This helps our team make the blacklisting component of SecureAPlus better over time.

Report False Positive in 2 Easy Steps:

Step 1: Compress the File

For safety and efficiency please compress the file into zip format (7zip, rar not accepted) and locked with the password "infected".
This is especially helpful for multiple or large files.

Step 2: Upload File for Analysis*

* We require at least 48 hours to verify your submission. For participating engines in our Universal AV, we will make our best efforts to report them as such to the vendors of the cloud engines, but make no guarantees that reported samples will be accepted as false detections by the aforementioned vendors.

By uploading for analysis, you grant SecureAge the right to submit the uploaded sample(s) to 3rd party websites for verification.